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Patient Resources //

In our practice patient care is number one. We understand that after your visit many questions may arise. Here is a list of frequently asked questions. If your questions can’t be answered here you can access Dr. Geisse through the patient portal



Patient Portal //

How to register in the Patient Portal

  1. – click the registration link

  2. Fill in the registration form asking for name (must be full name as was saved in our EMR, not nickname), SSN #, Date of Birth, email address, initial password (1234) and new password of your choosing.After filling in the form fields, click the Submit Registration

  3. After you have registered successfully, you will get a “successfully registered…” popup.Click OK to be taken back to the Log In Screen.

  4. Log into the patient web portal using the email address supplied during registration and the NEW password.Then click the Log In button.

  5. Click on the “view document” link to bring up a pop-up window with the visit record.Make sure you allow pop-ups for this site.

  6. From this screen, you can view the Continuity of Care Document (CCD) as well as download it to your computer.

  7. When finished, click the LOGOUT button.

Q&A //

How do I put drops in?

Steps For Putting In Eye Drops:

1. Start by tilting your head backward while sitting, standing, or lying down. With your

index finger placed on the soft spot just below the lower lid, gently pull down to form

a pocket.

2. Look up. Squeeze one drop into the pocket in your lower lid.

3. Close your eye. Keep closed for two to three minutes without blinking. Optional:

Gently press on the inside corner of your closed eyes with your index finger and thumb

for two to three minutes (to keep the drops from draining into your throat and getting

into your system).

4. Blot around your eyes to remove any excess.


If You Are Having Trouble Getting The Drop Into Your Eye:

Try This. With your head turned to the side or lying on your side, close your eyes. Place a drop

in the inner corner of your eyelid (the side closest to the bridge of your nose). By opening

your eyes slowly, the drop should fall right into your eye.


If you are still not sure the drop actually got in your eye, put in another drop. The eyelids can

hold only about one drop, so any excess will just run out of the eye. It is better to have

excess run out than to not have enough medication in your eye.


If Your Hands Are Shaking:

Try approaching your eye from the side so you can rest your hand on your face to help

steady your hand.


When instructions say twice a day, how often do I use the medication?

If you are instructed to use medication twice a day you should separate your dosage by twelve hours. If you put your first drop in at 8:00 a.m. your second dose will go in at 8:00 p.m.


What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve, which is the part of the eye that carries the images we see to the brain. The optic nerve is made up of many nerve fibers, like an electrical cable containing numerous wires. When damage to the optic nerve fibers occurs, blind spots develop. These blind spots usually go undetected until the optic nerve is significantly damaged. If the entire nerve is destroyed, blindness results. Early detection and treatment by your ophthalmologist (Eye M.D.) are the keys to preventing optic nerve damage and blindness from glaucoma.


What causes glaucoma?

Clear liquid, called the aqueous humor, circulates inside the front portion of the eye. A

small amount of this fluid is produced constantly, and an equal amount flows out of the

eye through a microscopic drainage system, maintaining a constant level of pressure

within the eye. (This liquid is not part of the tears on the outer surface of the eye.)


Because the eye is a closed structure, if the drainage area for the aqueous humor-called

the drainage angle-is blocked, the excess fluid cannot flow out of the eye. Fluid pressure

within the eye will increase, pushing against the optic nerve and potentially causing



How do I know if I have dry eyes?

Dry eye is a common problem in Southern California due to our low humidity and the large

amount of particulate matter and pollution in the air. Heaters, air conditioners and fans are

also very drying.


Symptoms may include one or more of the following: burning, itching, redness, scratchiness,

tearing, swelling, mucous discharge, blurred vision, tired eyes, foreign body sensation and

light sensitivity. Dry eyes can be mistakenly diagnosed as allergies or repeated infections.

Infections of the eye, surgery on the eye or eyelids, and a variety of medications can

predispose one to dry eye problems.


Treatment can be difficult, but we like to start with the simple things first and work our way

up. We begin by using artificial tears or lubricating drops. These can be used as often as you

feel they are needed. We have no preference which brand you use as long as it does not say

for allergies or gets the red out. Whitening drops should not be used on a regular basis.

Thicker drops can last longer but have a tendency to cause blurred vision for a short time. If

you find you are using the drops several times a day then we may recommend other

treatment options and an office visit should be scheduled.

Patient Forms & Docs //

Here are some useful forms you can download and print prior to your office visit.


Click the icon of the form you want to download below.

Dilation Form

Welcome Form

Patient Info Form

HMO Waiver Form

PPO Waiver Form

Privacy Notice Form

Medical History Form

Health plans //
  • Medicare

  • Medical

  • PPO’s

    • Aetna

    • Blue Cross (Anthem)

    • Blue Shield

    • Cigna

    • HealthNet

    • United Healthcare

Vaseline Routine for Dry Eye //
This routine was developed by Dr. Geisse for anyone who suffers from dry eye. 

© 2015 by Dr. Lawrence J. Geisse

To Schedule An Appointment

Call 562.598.2020​

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